POTTSBORO, TEXAS 75076 903-786-2353 On October 24th, 1998 The Sons of the American Legion Squadron 231 erected the 1st Flagpole in the Veterans Memorial Garden. The Flagpole was dedicated to Karl Lundgren the 1st Sgt-at-Arms of the Post. Karl has transfered to the Post Everlasting and is truly missed. On hand for the Dedication were Karl's wife Phyllis, her daughter and grandchildren. A special thanks goes out to our local Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts who participated in the flag dedication. In March of 1999 the next two flagpoles were erected and on Veterans day 1999 the two Memorial Stones to recognize the Departed Veterans of Post 231 and also the Friends of the Memorial Garden, those who had made this project a reality, were erected. Take a picture tour of the event on the following pages. Please be patient as the pictures of Old Glory being raised may take a little while to load so as not to lose any of glorious splender of her colors. |